At the beginning of every year, I love to ask groups “who has any New Year Resolutions?”
Most of the time only a few people make (let alone keep) new goals or resolutions. Usually, the response is “I don’t want to be disappointed” or “I don’t stick to them anyway.”
2021 gives us a golden opportunity to take what we have learned from a challenging and often discouraging year and make ourselves even more resolute heading into a new year.
What did you learn from 2020? I have asked that same question of a lot of eye care teams and the same responses seem to emerge:
- It brought us closer together as a team.
- We learned empathy.
- We learned to adapt.
- We learned more about each other and what we truly value.
- We learned how much patients need us.
To be resolute means to carry on. To be “admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering” according to Google. What better way to be resolute than to plan, change, and grow? I am fortunate to work with many private eye care practice owners who are doing just that.
The payoffs are worth it. Private eye care practice has never been in a better position. When the community needed us, we were there. When the team was uncertain about their future, the practice provided certainty and purpose. When times required change and new perspectives, we adapted and overcame.
I don’t know about you, but I am even more resolute about bringing quality services and products to communities everywhere. And I am bolstered by the love and appreciation that I see every day.